How To Gain Weight Fast For Skinny People [Beginner to Advance Guide]

How To Gain Weight Fast?

how to gain weight fast for skinny people

Have you always been petty? As your friends' silhouettes changed, did you still look like a boy and still have a delicate physique? Would you like to be better muscled? how to gain weight fast for skinny people? We have a recipe for you to get your dream figure.

Are you slim, small and can eat as much as you want without risking weight gain? So you have a figure called ectomorphic and unfortunately, you do not have a distinct musculature in your genes. Fortunately, this doesn't mean that you are doomed to your present appearance. You probably won't become a bodybuilder anymore, but you have a chance to stop being skinny. All you have to do is get your body to use the energy from food to building muscle. For this, you need two things: proper training and the right diet. Here are 10 tips for making a lean chick.

How To Gain Weight Fast For Skinny People
Eat right

Forget about food that fills your stomach without giving your body enough calories. Dietary salads and light products are not for you. Start eating like a man: not necessarily huge portions, but full of nutrients and energy. Your daily diet must contain at least 45 kcal for every kilogram of body weight. So if you weigh 70 kg, eat no less than 3,150 calories per day. Unfortunately, those calories can't just come from tons of fruits, vegetables, processed oatmeal, and egg whites, and it's not that they're unhealthy. It's just not a good choice for someone struggling to gain weight. Construct your menu based on whole eggs, meat, full-grain flakes, dried fruit, and pureed vegetables.


Pike usually does not care for the appropriate amount of rest as regular gym-goers do. If you do not start to sleep and take care of the regularity and length of night rest, your efforts to strengthen your figure will be useless. not less than 8 hours each night This rule is very important if you want your muscles to grow instead of contracting after training.

Drink calories

Fluids do not fill the stomach as much as nutritious food, so they are the perfect way to supplement your caloric intake if you have trouble eating enough of them. Training is a great opportunity to follow this advice - just after exercise, drink a protein gainer shake, which, in addition to protein, contains a large dose of carbohydrates to support the growth of muscle mass. You can make the shake yourself: add peanut butter, linseeds, coconut oil, wholemeal flakes, frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese to the juice or milk.

how to gain weight fast for skinny people

Muscle isolation exercises? 

Doing 10 sets on the triceps alone won't make your arms grow bigger quickly. Therefore, instead of bending your elbows with dumbbells on the preacher book and straightening your elbow with a dumbbell, you should, for example, press a barbell or dumbbell on a flat and oblique bench. Bet on multi-muscle exercises that engage large muscle groups along with the smaller ones.
Gentlemen who have trouble gaining muscle usually get better results with a smaller training volume, i.e. you should exercise with heavier weights than is usually recommended.

Smart cardio
You probably heard that people like you should forget about cardio. While there is some logic to this, it's not a good idea. There should be a place for cardio in your training program. Why is it worth doing this? Because cardio strengthens the most important muscle: the heart. And you want to be not only bigger but also healthy, right? For best results, exercise for 20-30 minutes at low to medium intensity levels 2-3 times a week.

Few repetitions, heavyweight

The most important rule in your case is to use heavyweights. Right behind it is the rule: a small number of repetitions, i.e. 6 to 10 in a series.

Heavy loads, long rest
Increased load requires longer breaks between sets to allow the muscles to rest more effectively. Breaks lasting 30 seconds will not allow you to regain the strength you will need to perform the next series. Therefore, a longer break means better rest and greater strength in the next set, i.e. the ability to perform the appropriate number of repetitions. This is the best way to gain muscle mass. So try to rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Don't be afraid of fat
Do you have trouble gaining weight and objections to eating fat, even healthy fat? So you have got a problem. Healthy fats are the best friends of "pikes" because they are caloric and support the growth of muscle mass. So make sure that your diet does not lack them.

Choose the right carbohydrates
Eat carbohydrates after training as this is the time when your muscles begin to regenerate and build up. Carbohydrates allow you to quickly rebuild glycogen stores in the muscles. Therefore, after strength training, focus on easily digestible simple carbohydrates: dextrose or malt dextrose. If you haven't eaten a carbohydrate-rich meal after training, be sure to start doing it. The effect will be sure: fuller, faster regenerating, and stronger muscles.

Be patient
Increasing muscle mass must continue, whether someone has a predisposition to build muscle or not. That's why you have to be consistent and persistent and work hard on yourself. If, after months of training and proper nutrition, you get stuck, increase the caloric content of your diet, lift heavier weights, and increase the caloric value of your diet again. Do not give up, but constantly increase the intensity of training, the energy value of food and ... muscle mass. You don't have to be skinny. Your silhouette is in your hands.

how to gain weight fast for skinny people

How To Gain Weight Fast For Skinny People [Beginner to Advance Guide] How To Gain Weight Fast For Skinny People [Beginner to Advance Guide] Reviewed by Keto Pedia on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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