The Secret To Getting What You Want In Life

 How to get what you want

In this world, we have a lot of things we want. Sometimes we can accomplish something by ourselves, and sometimes we cannot do without the help of others, such as parents or colleagues. Knowing what you want and learning how to ask for it is the key to achieving your goals.

Set up your Goals in Life


Be clear about your goals. Broad goals like "make more money" or "become healthier" are a good start, but it's best to determine more details. Clear the definition of success and use some clear and significant signs of progress to make judgments, so that you know what to do and what measures to take to achieve your goals.

For example, don't set a broad goal like "becoming healthier", set a specific goal like "be able to run 10 kilometers" or "lose 20 pounds."


Write down what you want, including why you want it. This way your wishes will be more specific, reminding yourself of what you want, and also help you figure out if this is what you really want, or if there is more to pursue. 


Tell yourself, this is what you deserve. Many people will not take the initiative to ask, especially women, because they feel that they are not qualified or unworthy. Think about why you feel this way. Examine and admit your fears, so you know how to get what you want. 

Don't worry about the needs and worries of others. Your life, bottom line, and desires are different from others, it doesn't matter. To realize your wish, it is important to understand what you want and how unique it is to you. 


Try new things. Sometimes you don’t even know you want these things. Be open to new skills, jobs, experiences, and anything that can broaden your horizons and change your view of the world. 

Listen to other people’s suggestions for trying new things, such as going to class or outdoor adventures. You may find a new hobby that you have never considered before.

Take action


Put your doubts aside. Many people cannot get what they want because they doubt their abilities. Identify and question your doubts and make sure they don’t get in the way of you. 


Save money. Many things that people want, such as shopping, learning skills or even a new job, may cost money. Calculate how much you want to do, and then look at your expenses. 

If you plan to buy a lot of things, or what you want to do will cost a lot of money. You might as well save some money every month or every time you pay your salary, and you can achieve your goals. Saving money regularly also helps to develop better saving and spending habits.

Don't just look at how much it costs for what you want. Look at what you have already bought. If something prevents you from achieving your goals, throw it away.


Making plans. After you decide what you want, then you have to figure out how to achieve your goals.

Identify all potential obstacles or weaknesses and make sure your plan can solve these problems. At this time, you have to face these unexplainable doubts. These obstacles may be related to money, time, ability, or the help of others.

To get what you want, set milestones that are easy to manage. This way you can get on the right track and complete smaller tasks in a reasonable time, rather than one big task at a time. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you can set a goal first-to lose two kilograms in two weeks. This is much better than setting goals for "fast weight loss" and "10 kg weight loss in two weeks".

In the plan, set a clear deadline. A specific deadline or time frame can give you motivation and keep you focused. This way you can stick to the end.

Go according to the plan. Many people fail because they give up too early. Setbacks are also part of success. Even if it's not all smooth sailing, stick to the plan.


Learn to accept failure. Sometimes you can't always get what you want. Don't back down because of it, on the contrary, treat it as a different opportunity, perhaps even a greater opportunity. 

For example, if you want to save money to buy an item, but when you save enough money, the item is sold out. It doesn't matter, you can buy other things or better things, of course, it is better to wait for better things to appear.

Get help from others


Seek help. No one knows to mind-read unless you tell them what you want, they won't ask you. Generally speaking, people are willing to help others, especially friends or family members. 

Ask in person. Instead of calling or emailing, you should ask the other person directly. It is difficult for them to reject you face to face.

Give specific details. When making a request, specify what you want and when you want it. Don't say "very soon" so ambiguous, instead, give a specific time. The specific requirements also show that you spend a lot of time thinking about what you want and how they can help you.


Be enthusiastic. These are the things you want, and they can excite you. Let others understand that this is important to you. Enthusiasm is contagious and it is difficult for them to refuse you. If you are excited about this idea, they may also become excited and want to help you. 


Minimize their work. You also don't want to put the whole thing on others, otherwise, the chance of them willing to help you will be smaller. Keep your requirements simple and straightforward, and let them know that helping you is not a hassle.

You can also ask others to provide you with some information instead of letting them complete it for you. If your goal is to improve your performance at work, they may tell you where you can learn more about the project, instead of telling you directly what to do.


 If someone has done something for you, you can thank them in some ways. This is a very simple matter. For example, if you do the other party favor, if money is involved, you can also give the other party a little money.

For friends or colleagues at work, you can offer to buy lunch or do a favor. At work, you can offer to help them do some work at any time in return.

If you are a child or teenager, ask your parents for something and don’t think that you have nothing to return. You can take on some housework, or promise to get better results in the exam.


Be prepared to be rejected. Sometimes others will refuse your request, or you will beg a few times before they agree. Think about the reason for the opponent’s rejection and prepare some answers [16]. You may have similar doubts like them before, so this is a good start.

If you are rejected, ask the reason boldly. If the answer is vague or not specific enough, ask more details. Asking more questions like "what can I do" will give you more details and find a good way to turn rejection into consent. 

Don't sulk or insulting others. They didn't help you, but it doesn't mean they are bad guys. Otherwise, they will not help you in the future.


Expression of thanks. If someone has done something for you, you should be grateful, be sincere, and mention what the other person has done for you. And after expressing gratitude, everyone is willing to help you in the future.

Especially at work, you can write a formal thank you letter, remember to be concise and sincere.

The Secret To Getting What You Want In Life The Secret To Getting What You Want In Life Reviewed by Keto Pedia on September 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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